(Originally sent by email 9/5/18)
“I am a good friend to my friends, and they to me. Without them, there would be nothing to say to you today, because I would be a cardboard cutout.”
~Anna Quindlen, Pulitzer Prize winning author
I’m writing this 2 days before I leave on a week long vacation with Dush, my best friend, Bec, and her husband, Karty.
In fact, as you’re reading this, I’m probably on a flight back home…
…quite possibly nursing a hangover…
…and still laughing at all the dirty and hilarious things that came out of my BFF’s mouth over the past week.
That girl is a riot!
We met in kindergarten and lived 2 blocks away from each other…
…but we weren’t close friends until junior high.
The year was 1987…
…we were lookin’ rad in Esprit and Generra…
…and jammin’ to Cars That Go Boom (hat tip to anyone who remembers that one!)…
…Kiss (by Prince)
…and pretty much anything by Salt-N-Pepa, but mostly Push It.
We even did a horrible little dance to Heart and Soul, by T’Pau, for a school project (Bec turned the wrong way and ran into me, but she’ll tell you it was me who messed up).
Our friendship took off like a house on fire!
And from sleepovers…to hangovers…to over the hill…
…we’ve been stoking that baby ever since with more fun times than I can count.
We’ve also shared plenty of hard times and tears – from losing boyfriends to losing our Dads to losing our minds as life got busier, and the adulting responsibilities piled up.
Our friendship is 37 years old…
…31 years as BFF status…
…and it’s one of the things I treasure most in my life.
I don’t have much of a message for you today…
…I’m too busy trying not to pee myself with excitement, like a puppy whose owner just got home…
…so I’ll just say this:
Call your BFF today.
Text them that you’re thinking about that time when you two were cruising the drag and you mooned the school bully…
…or whatever fabulous, ridiculous, and gut-busting memory you have with your best friend.
Treasure your history.
Honor your bond.
And take time out of your busy lives to get together and create more story-making memories.
I haven’t even left yet, and I can tell you that this was one of the best times of my life.
I’m SO happy and grateful that we made it happen!
Bec and me. My BFF.